Jun 26, 2008

Apa Dia Blog*Spot?

Blog*Spot adalah satu perkhimatan host percuma untuk laman blog. Dihost secara percuma tetapi anda dibenarkan menggunakan blog anda untuk tujuan pengiklanan. Sekiranya anda mempunyai host sendiri, anda boleh menggunakan kemudahan Blogger dengan menggunakan host anda sendiri. Sila baca panduan tentang 'Setup FTP Dan SFTP Host Luaran'.

Blog*Spot is a weblog-hosting service run by the folks who make Blogger. As such, it is very nicely integrated with Blogger - no ugly configuring! Freely-hosted blogs on BlogSpot will display ads. However, you don't need to keep your blog on Blog*Spot. If you have your own site, you can use Blogger to publish there, by following the instructions in this article.


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