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Langkah 1:
1. Salin kod CSS masukkan kedalam kod template blog dalam bahagian CSS sebelum kod </head>.
<style type="text/css"> /*Sample CSS used for the Virtual Pagination Demos. Modify/ remove as desired*/ .paginationstyle{ /*Style for demo pagination divs*/ width: 250px; text-align: center; padding: 2px 0; margin: 10px 0; } .paginationstyle select{ /*Style for demo pagination divs' select menu*/ border: 1px solid navy; margin: 0 15px; } .paginationstyle a{ /*Pagination links style*/ padding: 0 5px; text-decoration: none; border: 1px solid black; color: navy; background-color: white; } .paginationstyle a:hover, .paginationstyle a.selected{ color: #000; background-color: #FEE496; } .paginationstyle a.disabled, .paginationstyle a.disabled:hover{ /*Style for "disabled" previous or next link*/ background-color: white; cursor: default; color: #929292; border-color: transparent; } .paginationstyle a.imglinks{ /*Pagination Image links style (class="imglinks") */ border: 0; padding: 0; } .paginationstyle a.imglinks img{ vertical-align: bottom; border: 0; } .paginationstyle a.imglinks a:hover{ background: none; } .paginationstyle .flatview a:hover, .paginationstyle .flatview a.selected{ /*Pagination div "flatview" links style*/ color: #000; background-color: yellow; } </style> |
2. Salin lod javascript berikut, namakan fail sebagai virtualpaginate.js dan hoskan dalam mana-mana hos javascript file. Ikut panduan Hos Fail JavaScript di Google Sites.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Virtual Pagination Script- By Dynamic Drive, available at: // Updated: Nov 21st, 2008 to v2.0 // ** Adds ability to define multiple pagination DIVs (the secondary DIVs mirror primary DIV's contents) // ** Last viewed page persistence, so last viewed page can be remembered/ recalled within browser session. // ** Improvements to instance.navigate() to select a page using an arbitrary link or inside another script. // ** Ability to select a page using a URL parameter (ie: target.htm?virtualpiececlass=index). // Updated: Oct 19th, 2009 to v2.1 // ** New wraparound:true/false option added, which when false disables moving back/forth beyond first and last content, respectively // // PUBLIC: virtualpaginate() // Main Virtual Paginate Object function. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- document.write('<style type="text/css">' //write out CSS for class ".hidepeice" that hides pieces of contents within pages +'.hidepiece{display:none}\n' +'@media print{.hidepiece{display:block !important;}}\n' +'</style>') function virtualpaginate(config){ //config: {piececlass:, piececontainer:, pieces_per_page:, defaultpage:, wraparound:, persist} this.piececlass=config.piececlass var elementType=(typeof config.piececontainer=="undefined")? "div" : config.piececontainer //The type of element used to divide up content into pieces. Defaults to "div" this.pieces=virtualpaginate.collectElementbyClass(config.piececlass, elementType) //get total number of divs matching class name //Set this.chunksize: 1 if "chunksize" param is undefined, "chunksize" if it's less than total pieces available, or simply total pieces avail (show all) this.chunksize=(typeof config.pieces_per_page=="undefined")? 1 : (config.pieces_per_page>0 && config.pieces_per_page<this.pieces.length)? config.pieces_per_page : this.pieces.length this.pagecount=Math.ceil(this.pieces.length/this.chunksize) //calculate number of "pages" needed to show the divs this.wraparound=config.wraparound || false this.paginatediv=[], this.flatviewlinks=[], this.cpspan=[], this.selectmenu=[], this.prevlinks=[], this.nextlinks=[] this.persist=config.persist var persistedpage=virtualpaginate.getCookie("dd_"+this.piececlass) || 0 var urlselectedpage=virtualpaginate.urlparamselect(this.piececlass) //returns null or index from: mypage.htm?piececlass=index this.currentpage=(typeof urlselectedpage=="number")? urlselectedpage : ((this.persist)? persistedpage : config.defaultpage) this.currentpage=(this.currentpage<this.pagecount)? parseInt(this.currentpage) : 0 //ensure currentpage is within range of available pages this.showpage(this.currentpage) //Show selected page } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC: navigate(keyword)- Calls this.showpage() based on parameter passed (0=page1, 1=page2 etc, "next", "first", or "last") // ------------------------------------------------------------------- virtualpaginate.prototype.navigate=function(keyword){ if ((!this.wraparound && keyword=="previous" && this.currentpage==0) || (!this.wraparound && keyword=="next" && this.currentpage==this.pagecount-1)) return //exit immediately if wraparound is disabled and prev link is clicked when on 1st content or last link is clicked when on final content var prevlinkindex=this.currentpage //Get index of last clicked on page if (keyword=="previous") this.currentpage=(this.currentpage>0)? this.currentpage-1 : (this.currentpage==0)? this.pagecount-1 : 0 else if (keyword=="next") this.currentpage=(this.currentpage<this.pagecount-1)? this.currentpage+1 : 0 else if (keyword=="first") this.currentpage=0 else if (keyword=="last") this.currentpage=this.pagecount-1 //last page number else this.currentpage=parseInt(keyword) this.currentpage=(this.currentpage<this.pagecount)? this.currentpage : 0 //ensure pagenumber is within range of available pages this.showpage(this.currentpage) for (var p=0; p<this.paginatediv.length; p++){ //loop through all pagination DIVs if (this.flatviewpresent) this.flatviewlinks[p][prevlinkindex].className="" //"Unhighlight" previous page (before this.currentpage increments) if (this.selectmenupresent) this.selectmenu[p].selectedIndex=this.currentpage if (this.flatviewpresent) this.flatviewlinks[p][this.currentpage].className="selected" //"Highlight" current page } if (!this.wraparound){ for (var i=0; i<this.prevlinks.length; i++) //add or remove "disable" class from prev links depending on current page number virtualpaginate.setcssclass(this.prevlinks[i], "disabled", (this.currentpage==0)? "add" : "remove") for (var i=0; i<this.nextlinks.length; i++) //add or remove "disable" class from next links depending on current page number virtualpaginate.setcssclass(this.nextlinks[i], "disabled", (this.currentpage==(this.pagecount-1))? "add" : "remove") } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC: buildpagination()- Create pagination interface by calling one or more of the paginate_build_() functions // ------------------------------------------------------------------- virtualpaginate.prototype.buildpagination=function(divids, optnavtext){ var divids=(typeof divids=="string")? [divids] : divids //force divids to be an array of ids var primarypaginatediv=divids.shift() //get first id within divids[] var paginaterawHTML=document.getElementById(primarypaginatediv).innerHTML this.paginate_build(primarypaginatediv, 0, optnavtext) for (var i=0; i<divids.length; i++){ document.getElementById(divids[i]).innerHTML=paginaterawHTML this.paginate_build(divids[i], i+1, optnavtext) } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // PRIVATE utility functions // ------------------------------------------------------------------- virtualpaginate.collectElementbyClass=function(classname, element){ //Returns an array containing DIVs with specified classname. Requires setcssclass() if (document.querySelectorAll){ var pieces=document.querySelectorAll(element+"."+classname) //return pieces as HTMLCollection } else{ var pieces=[] var alltags=document.getElementsByTagName(element) for (var i=0; i<alltags.length; i++){ if (virtualpaginate.setcssclass(alltags[i], classname, "check")) //if element carries class name in question pieces[pieces.length]=alltags[i] //return pieces as array } } return pieces } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // PRIVATE: setcssclass() method- Checks, Add, or Removes a class from an element // ------------------------------------------------------------------- virtualpaginate.setcssclass=function(el, targetclass, action){ var needle=new RegExp("(^|\\s+)"+targetclass+"($|\\s+)", "ig") if (action=="check") return needle.test(el.className) else if (action=="remove") el.className=el.className.replace(needle, "") else if (action=="add" && !needle.test(el.className)) el.className+=" "+targetclass } virtualpaginate.urlparamselect=function(vpclass){ var RegExp(vpclass+"=(\\d+)", "i")) //check for "?piececlass=2" in URL return (result==null)? null : parseInt(RegExp.$1) //returns null or index, where index (int) is the selected virtual page's index } virtualpaginate.getCookie=function(Name){ var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value return null } virtualpaginate.setCookie=function(name, value){ document.cookie = name+"="+value } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // PRIVATE: showpage(pagenumber)- Shows a page based on parameter passed (0=page1, 1=page2 etc) // ------------------------------------------------------------------- virtualpaginate.prototype.showpage=function(pagenumber){ var totalitems=this.pieces.length //total number of broken up divs var showstartindex=pagenumber*this.chunksize //array index of div to start showing per pagenumber setting var showendindex=showstartindex+this.chunksize-1 //array index of div to stop showing after per pagenumber setting for (var i=0; i<totalitems; i++){ if (i>=showstartindex && i<=showendindex) this.pieces[i].style.display="block" else this.pieces[i].style.display="none" } if (this.persist){ //if persistence enabled virtualpaginate.setCookie("dd_"+this.piececlass, this.currentpage) } if (this.cpspan.length>0){ //if <span class="paginateinfo> element is present, update it with the most current info (ie: Page 3/4) for (var p=0; p<this.cpspan.length; p++) this.cpspan[p].innerHTML='Page '+(this.currentpage+1)+'/'+this.pagecount } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // PRIVATE: build() methods- Various methods to create pagination interfaces // paginate_paginate_build()- Main build() paginate function // paginate_output_flatview()- Accepts <span class="flatview"> element and populates it with sequential pagination links // paginate_paginate_build_flatview()- Parses the modified <span class="flatview"> element and assigns click behavior to the pagination links // paginate_build_selectmenu(paginatedropdown)- Accepts an empty SELECT element and turns it into pagination menu // paginate_build_regularlinks(paginatelinks)- Accepts a collection of links and screens out/ creates pagination out of ones with specific "rel" attr // paginate_build_cpinfo(cpspan)- Accepts <span class="paginateinfo"> element and displays current page info (ie: Page 1/4) // ------------------------------------------------------------------- virtualpaginate.prototype.paginate_build=function(divid, divpos, optnavtext){ var instanceOfBox=this var paginatediv=document.getElementById(divid) if (this.chunksize==this.pieces.length){ //if user has set to display all pieces at once, no point in creating pagination div"none" return } var paginationcode=paginatediv.innerHTML //Get user defined, "unprocessed" HTML within paginate div if (paginatediv.getElementsByTagName("select").length>0) //if there's a select menu in div this.paginate_build_selectmenu(paginatediv.getElementsByTagName("select")[0], divpos, optnavtext) if (paginatediv.getElementsByTagName("a").length>0) //if there are links defined in div this.paginate_build_regularlinks(paginatediv.getElementsByTagName("a")) var allspans=paginatediv.getElementsByTagName("span") //Look for span tags within passed div for (var i=0; i<allspans.length; i++){ if (allspans[i].className=="flatview") this.paginate_output_flatview(allspans[i], divpos, optnavtext) else if (allspans[i].className=="paginateinfo") this.paginate_build_cpinfo(allspans[i], divpos) } this.paginatediv[divpos]=paginatediv } virtualpaginate.prototype.paginate_output_flatview=function(flatviewcontainer, divpos, anchortext){ var flatviewhtml="" var anchortext=anchortext || new Array() for (var i=0; i<this.pagecount; i++){ if (typeof anchortext[i]!="undefined") //if custom anchor text for this link exists flatviewhtml+='<a href="#flatview" rel="'+i+'">'+anchortext[i]+'</a> ' //build pagination link using custom anchor text else flatviewhtml+='<a href="#flatview" rel="'+i+'">'+(i+1)+'</a> ' //build pagination link using auto incremented sequential number instead } flatviewcontainer.innerHTML=flatviewhtml this.paginate_build_flatview(flatviewcontainer, divpos, anchortext) } virtualpaginate.prototype.paginate_build_flatview=function(flatviewcontainer, divpos, anchortext){ var instanceOfBox=this var flatviewhtml="" this.flatviewlinks[divpos]=flatviewcontainer.getElementsByTagName("a") for (var i=0; i<this.flatviewlinks[divpos].length; i++){ this.flatviewlinks[divpos][i].onclick=function(){ var prevlinkindex=instanceOfBox.currentpage //Get index of last clicked on flatview link var curlinkindex=parseInt(this.getAttribute("rel")) instanceOfBox.navigate(curlinkindex) return false } } this.flatviewlinks[divpos][this.currentpage].className="selected" //"Highlight" current flatview link this.flatviewpresent=true //indicate flat view links are present } virtualpaginate.prototype.paginate_build_selectmenu=function(paginatedropdown, divpos, anchortext){ var instanceOfBox=this var anchortext=anchortext || new Array() this.selectmenupresent=1 for (var i=0; i<this.pagecount; i++){ if (typeof anchortext[i]!="undefined") //if custom anchor text for this link exists, use anchor text as each OPTION's text paginatedropdown.options[i]=new Option(anchortext[i], i) else //else, use auto incremented, sequential numbers paginatedropdown.options[i]=new Option("Page "+(i+1)+" of "+this.pagecount, i) } paginatedropdown.selectedIndex=this.currentpage setTimeout(function(){paginatedropdown.selectedIndex=instanceOfBox.currentpage}, 500) //refresh currently selected option (for IE's sake) paginatedropdown.onchange=function(){ instanceOfBox.navigate(this.selectedIndex) } this.selectmenu[divpos]=paginatedropdown this.selectmenu[divpos].selectedIndex=this.currentpage //"Select" current page's corresponding option } virtualpaginate.prototype.paginate_build_regularlinks=function(paginatelinks){ var instanceOfBox=this for (var i=0; i<paginatelinks.length; i++){ var currentpagerel=paginatelinks[i].getAttribute("rel") if (/^(previous)|(next)|(first)|(last)$/.test(currentpagerel)){ //screen for these "rel" values paginatelinks[i].onclick=function(){ instanceOfBox.navigate(this.getAttribute("rel")) return false } } if (currentpagerel=="previous" || paginatelinks[i].href.indexOf("previous")!=-1){ //check if this is a "previous" link if (!this.wraparound && this.currentpage==0) //if current page is first page, disable "prev" link virtualpaginate.setcssclass(paginatelinks[i], "disabled", "add") this.prevlinks.push(paginatelinks[i]) } else if (currentpagerel=="next" || paginatelinks[i].href.indexOf("next")!=-1){ //check if this is a "next" link if (!this.wraparound && this.currentpage==this.pagecount-1) //if current page is last page, disable "next" link virtualpaginate.setcssclass(paginatelinks[i], "disabled", "add") this.nextlinks.push(paginatelinks[i]) } } } virtualpaginate.prototype.paginate_build_cpinfo=function(cpspan, divpos){ this.cpspan[divpos]=cpspan cpspan.innerHTML='Page '+(this.currentpage+1)+'/'+this.pagecount } |
3. Salin ketiga-tiga kod berikut masukkan ke dalam pos blog:
3.1 Sebelum dimasukkan dalam pos blog, pastikan pautan fail virtualpaginate.js dimasukkan di tempatnya seperti berikut:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""> /*********************************************** * Virtual Pagination script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library ( * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit Dynamic Drive at for full source code ***********************************************/ </script> |
3.2 Kod di bawah masukkan dalam pos blog selepas kod di atas (3.1). Pastikan pautan gambar telah dimasukkan dalam tempat yang ditunjukkan:
<div style="width: 300px;"> <div class="virtualpage hidepiece"> <img src="http://alaman-URL-gambar/img25/8442/castlei.gif" /> </div> <div class="virtualpage hidepiece"> <img src="http://alaman-URL-gambar/img201/7907/streetkz4.gif" /> </div> <div class="virtualpage hidepiece"> <img src="http://alaman-URL-gambar/img201/8538/weedjh8.gif" /> </div> <div class="virtualpage hidepiece"> <img src="http://alaman-URL-gambar/img201/6923/countryxb6.gif" style="padding: 0px;" /> </div> </div><!-- Pagination DIV for Demo 1 --> <div id="gallerypaginate" class="paginationstyle" style="padding-top: 0px; margin-top: 0px;"> <a href="#" rel="previous">Sebelum</a> <span class="flatview"></span> <a href="#" rel="next">Selepas</a> </div> <!-- Initialize Demo 1 --> <script type="text/javascript"> var gallery=new virtualpaginate({ piececlass: "virtualpage", //class of container for each piece of content piececontainer: 'div', //container element type (ie: "div", "p" etc) pieces_per_page: 1, //Pieces of content to show per page (1=1 piece, 2=2 pieces etc) defaultpage: 0, //Default page selected (0=1st page, 1=2nd page etc). Persistence if enabled overrides this setting. wraparound: false, persist: false //Remember last viewed page and recall it when user returns within a browser session? }) gallery.buildpagination(["gallerypaginate", "gallerypaginate2"]) </script> |
3.3 Kod di bawah masukkan dalam pos blog selepas kod di atas (3.2):
<script type="text/javascript"> var pagecontent=new virtualpaginate({ piececlass: "virtualpage", //class of container for each piece of content piececontainer: "div", //container element type (ie: "div", "p" etc) pieces_per_page: 1, //Pieces of content to show per page (1=1 piece, 2=2 pieces etc) defaultpage: 0, //Default page selected (0=1st page, 1=2nd page etc). Persistence if enabled overrides this setting. wraparound: false, persist: false //Remember last viewed page and recall it when user returns within a browser session? }) pagecontent.buildpagination(["paginatediv"]) </script> |
Sekian, selamat mencuba dan selamat berjaya.
Sebarang pautan balik dari blog anda adalah sangat-sangat dihargai. URL
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